Let us tell your story

A picture is worth 1000 words.

Our Photography Services

Video production is our specialty at Niche Visuals. However, our talented videographers are also very talented photographers. We are often asked if both video production and photography can be packaged together. Having a videographer and photographer working together simplifies the delivery of the services for our clients. We can make sure the quality and workflow follow our highest standards for both video production and photography. Below are some samples of Niche Visuals photography. Our photography services range from drone landscapes, real estate photos, candid event photos (conferences), product photos, and general promotional photos.

real estate photography
real estate photography

Composite Photography

At Niche Visuals we love a challenge. Hence, we love requests for composite photography. Composite photography is a process of combining several images into one. Most commonly, this method is used in product photos that are impossible to capture with a camera only. Below are some examples of our composite product photos.